The following events are FREE and open to participants between the ages of 13 and 19.

Please register participants individually.

Muse Teens will learn be inspired by the printmaking of Pablo Picasso on view at AMoA and learn how to create their own linocut prints.

Muse Teens will learn the basics of sculpting the human figure.

Muse Teens will practice the Japanese art of paper folding during this workshop!

Muse Teens will create summer solstice themed costumes by upcycling clothing and creating their own accessories. These costumes can be worn at the Muse Summer Solstice Ball in July.
Spring Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteers will help prepare refreshments, keep cups and plates picked up and act as gallery attendants.

Volunteers will help set up luminaries and carry them in the procession and then help clean up at the end of the procession.
A receipt will be e-mailed to this address.
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